Flange bearing

igubal® fixed flange bearings are resistant to chemicals, dust and coarse dirt, UV and core radiation. They function perfectly at extreme temperatures between -40 and +200°C and are corrosion-free in damp and wet environments. This makes them suitable for reliable use in demanding environments and they always retain their running performances and wear resistance.

Easy to install – even in hard-to-reach places.

Product overview and technical data

See our selection of products for different applications and requirements (PDF):

Product overview: igubal® spherical bearings

Spherical flange bearing selection

2-hole flange bearing

4-hole flange bearing

Flange bearing, sheet metal housing

Got any questions? Contact our product manager!

Trine Zimmermann

Product Manager –
Composite bearings & Linear tech.


+47 907 45 404

Want to see more of our spherical bearings?

Want to see more of our spherical bearings?